Dungeon Viewer for Rance VI / GALZOO Island
Drag and drop
of Rance VI, or
- all files in the
folder of GALZOO Island
to this page.
scenario coordinates | |
dungeon coordinates | |
floor_texture | |
ceiling_texture | |
north_texture | |
south_texture | |
east_texture | |
west_texture | |
north_door | |
south_door | |
east_door | |
west_door | |
stairs_texture | |
stairs_orientation | |
attr12 | |
attr13 | |
attr14 | |
attr15 | |
attr16 | |
attr17 | |
attr18 | |
attr19 | |
attr20 | |
attr21 | |
attr22 | |
attr23 | |
attr24 | |
enterable | |
enterable_north | |
enterable_south | |
enterable_east | |
enterable_west | |
floor_event | |
north_event | |
sourth_event | |
east_event | |
west_event | |
unknown1 | |
battle_background | |
num1 | |
str1 | |
num2 | |
str2 | |
num3 | |
str3 | |
num4 | |
str4 | |
num5 | |
str5 | |
num6 | |
str6 | |
polyobj_index | |
polyobj_scale | |
polyobj_rotationY | |
polyobj_rotationZ | |
polyobj_rotationX | |
polyobj_positionX | |
polyobj_positionY | |
polyobj_positionZ | |
roof_orientation | |
roof_texture | |
roof_underside_texture | |